Deposition (Aerosol physics) — In aerosol physics, Deposition is the process by which aerosol particles collect or deposit themselves on solid surfaces, decreasing the concentration of the particles in the air. It can be divided into two sub processes: dry and wet deposition.… … Wikipedia
Deposition (aerosol physics) — In aerosol physics, Deposition is the process by which aerosol particles collect or deposit themselves on solid surfaces, decreasing the concentration of the particles in the air. It can be divided into two sub processes: dry and wet deposition.… … Wikipedia
déposition rapide — spartusis nusodinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. high rate deposition vok. Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufdampfung, f rus. осаждение с высокой скоростью, n pranc. déposition rapide, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Electrophoretic deposition — (EPD), is a term for a broad range of industrial processes which includes electrocoating, cathodic electrodeposition, and electrophoretic coating, or electrophoretic painting. A characteristic feature of this process is that colloidal particles… … Wikipedia
Pulsed laser deposition — (PLD) is a thin film deposition (specifically a physical vapor deposition, PVD) technique where a high power pulsed laser beam is focused inside a vacuum chamber to strike a target of the desired composition. Material is then vaporized from the… … Wikipedia
Electron beam physical vapor deposition — or EBPVD is a form of physical vapor deposition in which a target anode is bombarded with an electron beam given off by a charged tungsten filament under high vacuum. The electron beam causes atoms from the target to transform into the gaseous… … Wikipedia
Chemical vapor deposition — DC plasma (violet) enhances the growth of carbon nanotubes in this laboratory scale PECVD apparatus. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a chemical process used to produce high purity, high performance solid materials. The process is often used in … Wikipedia
Sputter deposition — is a physical vapor deposition (PVD) method of depositing thin films by sputtering, that is ejecting, material from a target, that is source, which then deposits onto a substrate, such as a silicon wafer. Resputtering is re emission of the… … Wikipedia
Electron beam induced deposition — (EBID) is a process of decomposing gaseous molecules by electron beam leading to deposition of non volatile fragments onto a nearby substrate. Process Focused electron beam of scanning electron microscope (SEM) or scanning transmission electron… … Wikipedia
Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition — (HPCVD) is a thin film deposition technique that combines physical vapor deposition (PVD) with chemical vapor deposition (CVD). For the instance of magnesium diboride (MgB2) thin film growth, HPCVD process uses diborane (B2H6) as the boron… … Wikipedia
Evaporation (deposition) — Evaporation machine used for metallization at LAAS technological facility in Toulouse, France. Evaporation is a common method of thin film deposition. The source material is evaporated in a vacuum. The vacuum allows vapor particles to travel… … Wikipedia